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Virtual FBWA Conference Set Oct. 14-16

Virginia Uchida

The 46th National Federation of Buddhist Women's Associations Conference will be held virtually on Oct. 14-16, 2022. “Winds of Change" "Jidai no Shinka ni Kiku" is the theme for this year's conference.

The Federation of Buddhist Women’s Associations (FBWA) has been gradually declining in membership for a variety of reasons. Change is inevitable and the FBWA must actively embrace the change in American Buddhism to grow and regain its viability.

This year’s conference is focused on the younger generation and how to engage and encourage them to look to the future of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism in America and participate in their Sanghas and become Buddhist Women’s Association (BWA) members in the future.

The FBWA Conference Planning Committee has worked hard to bring an exciting and meaningful conference. We are pleased to bring together three dynamic BCA women ministers to participate in the keynote speaker panel: Rev. Kaitlyn Mascher-Mace (Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temple), Rev. Etsuko Mikame (San Jose Buddhist Betsuin), and Rev. Ko'E A. Umezu (West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple).

On Friday, Oct. 14, the Institute of Buddhist Studies (IBS) will present a public lecture, "Receiving and Giving: Buddhist Women Past, Present and Future."

The keynote speaker will be Dr. Paula K. R. Arai (Urmila Gopal Singhal Professorship in Religions of India, Professor of Religious Studies, Asian Studies, and Women & Gender Studies, Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies, Louisiana State University).

Respondents will be: Rev. Dr. Mutsumi Wondra (Orange County Buddhist Church, Research Fellow and Adjunct Professor, IBS), Dr. Vanessa R. Sasson, (Professor of Religious Studies, Marianopolis College, and author of “Yasodhara and the Buddha”), and moderated by Dr. Nancy G. Lin (Associate Professor of Tibetan and South Asian Studies, Buddhist Chaplaincy, IBS).

Also, on Friday, Oct. 14, there will be an FBWA Representatives meeting, and workshops on parliamentary procedures, card making and yoga.

Saturday, Oct. 15, will begin with opening service, the keynote panel presentation, and the following workshops: “Cultivating Grassroots Growth Through Storytelling” — Megan and Nicole Doi (Buddhist Church of Stockton); “Buddhism and Me: Shin & Youth” — Sensei Koichi Mizushima (Buddhist Church of Sacramento Minister’s Assistant, and BCA Youth Coordinator); “Compassion in Action — A Paradigm for Our Youth” — Rev. Elaine Donlin (Buddhist Church of San Francisco Minister’s Assistant); and a cooking demonstration by Rev. Michael Endo (Buddhist Church of Oakland Minister’s Assistant and Executive Assistant to the Bishop).

Sunday, Oct. 16, will conclude with the FBWA general meeting and closing service.

At the general meeting, the BCA Music Committee/New Buddhist Music Subcommittee will perform a special presentation of the BCA/FBWA sponsored gatha titled “With Gassho from the Heart.”

The conference fee is $30 per person, of which $10 will be donated to the

Zaidan Fund. Individuals 30 and under are free. All completed conference forms and payment must be received on or before Aug. 1, 2022. Additional information will be provided as the conference approaches.

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