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TechnoBuddha Features Seminar With Stambul

Brandon Yanari

On Oct. 10, TechnoBuddha and BCA’s Center for Buddhist Education co-

hosted “Good Trouble,” a virtual seminar featuring Richard Stambul, the

immediate past BCA President.

As many of you know, TechnoBuddha is a conference at the Jodo Shinshu

Center for those people between ages 21-39 to provide an opportunity for

young professionals to network and find a sense of community through

workshops and activities incorporating Jodo Shinshu Buddhist teachings in

everyday life.

March 2020 would have been our 13 th Annual TechnoBuddha Conference,

however, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we were unable to host the

conference as planned. Fortunately, Stambul was open to the idea of

collaborating on a virtual seminar, and we deeply appreciated his

willingness to keep up the discussion on the topic of Jodo Shinshu

Buddhism and social issues.

With more than 145 attendees of all ages, the virtual seminar was a great

success as Stambul expertly weaved in his personal experience as a volunteer

and “soldier” in the Civil Rights Movement with powerful video

clips revealing America’s true past.

As an audience member, I was deeply engaged and felt moved and

privileged to hear directly from someone that participated in events that I’ve

only read about in history books, such as the March on Washington and

Freedom Summer.

Stambul concluded his presentation with a connection to the current

uprisings and demonstrations for social justice, as well as what he believed

is the “great evil.”

The lecture portion was followed by a question-and-answer session that

delved into allyship, moving forward, meeting Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King,

and how Jodo Shinshu Buddhism connects with civic engagement.

The whole seminar was incredibly relevant and helps put current events

into context. The presentation was recorded and can be found on the BCA

Center for Buddhist Education YouTube channel.

Thank you very much to Judy Kono, Koichi Mizushima, Carl Yanari, Bishop

Rev. Marvin Harada, TechnoBuddha co-chair Sydney Shiroyama, and our

wonderful speaker, Rick Stambul, for making this event possible. We hope

that these conversations will continue on how Jodo Shinshu Buddhism

informs our ideals on social justice and equity moving forward.


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