It Recognizes Individuals Who Have Sacrificed to Benefit Youth Scouting Programs
At the annual Scout Sunday Service on Feb. 2, Leslie Kaneko was recognized by the National Scouting Committee of the Buddhist Churches of America and presented with the prestigious Bodhi Award.

This is a national award recognizing adult leaders who have demonstrated the highest level of dedication, commitment and self-sacrifice for the spiritual development within the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts of America and Camp Fire, Inc.
The Bodhi Award recognizes individuals who have made exceptional personal sacrifices in order to benefit the youth Scouting programs sponsored by BCA temples.
We were honored to present Leslie Kaneko with this Bodhi Award. All those familiar with the activities of our Girl Scout Troop 569 know well Leslie’s commitment to our girls. Leslie is always there, helping to plan and organize virtually every ceremony and event. Her troop has often taken the lead for many of our activities.
In preparation for events, Leslie could be found helping her scouts practice their public speaking skills. These skills that the girls have gained have given them the confidence to embrace the leadership for larger community events. Leslie is also instrumental in helping our new leaders acclimate and adjust to the responsibilities of being a Girl Scout leader.
As a leader, Leslie is an ambassador of Buddhism with her actions; always patient, kind and thoughtful to all around her. She is one of my most active leaders in helping our troop with activities, events and ceremonies.
I must highlight that Leslie has been our troop cookie manager for nearly 10 years. This is a huge responsibility. At one point, our troop sold over 23,000 boxes of cookies and it is no small task for her to coordinate the delivery and distribution of 23,000 boxes of cookies.
Year after year, Kaneko organizes and plans the cookie sales program, which begins in January and ends in June. And once all of this is completed, she must then submit all of the paperwork required by the Council, as well as the monies to our treasurer. Once all this is completed, the scouts receive their incentives for the number of boxes sold. Kaneko would coordinate this, too. The job of being a cookie manager is an ongoing project that lasts for over half of the year and she does all of this with a smile.
With her sense of Dana and selfless giving, Kaneko inspires not only her scouts, but our whole troop. The scouts and leaders of Troop 569 benefit from the unwavering dedication and hard work that she gives to our Scouting program.
In January, Leslie was active in planning a new event, our Troop Fun Night. This evening of friendly competition successfully brought together Girl Scouts from every age group of our troop. Leslie did this while also planning our annual cookie rally held a week later. She helps to kick off the “Cookie Season” with this rally and she remains involved throughout, even coordinating all of the cookie booth sales for the troop.
Buddhism is such a huge part of Leslie's life. Her daughter, Ella, attended the Padma Religious Award classes twice simply because she enjoyed the first one so much. Her whole family is involved with so many of our temple’s activities and we are grateful to have them all a part of our Sacramento Betsuin.
During our February Scout Sunday Service, it gave me great pleasure to recognize Leslie with the honored Bodhi Award. Congratulations to Leslie and also to her wonderful husband, Keith, and amazing daughter Ella.
