125th Anniversary of the BCA
2024 marks the 125th anniversary of the Buddhist Churches of America (BCA) and the 75th anniversary of the Institute of Buddhist Studies (IBS).
Sanghas across the United States celebrate the legacy of two ministers who came to the United States from Japan in 1899 to answer the call of Japanese immigrants wanting to hear the Dharma in their new home. This legacy includes our Issei and Nisei pioneers who mortgaged their homes, devoted countless hours, and dedicated their families to supporting temples and hearing the Dharma.
With gratitude and joy we reflect on their efforts, build on their legacy, and continue to forge the Dharma Forward! Many more can receive the Dharma and ensure that Shiran Shonin’s teachings continue to be shared for generations to come!
Special Anniversary Events
125th Anniversary Service
September 1, 2024 @ 10:00 AM
Celebrating BCA's 125th Anniversary, 800 years of the Jodo Shinshu teaching, and 850 years since Shinran Shonin's birth. This commemorative service will be televised from the Buddhist Church of San Francisco.
125th Anniversary Telethon
September 1, 2024 @ 11:30 AM
Join us for a special online 125th anniversary Telethon featuring our very own BCA temples, ministers, and talent! Celebrate with us and deepen your love and appreciation for our wonderful sangha.
Muryojukyo Saho Service
Thursday, August 29 @ 6PM
Join at the Jodo Shinshu Center Kodo or Youtube Livestream
The Bay District Ministers Association will host a pre-celebratory service in anticipation of the BCA Triple Celebration. We cordially invite you to participate in this service in person or online. Ministers, we kindly ask you to bring your Gongyoshu book.
Community Anniversary Events
Techno Hoyo US Tour
September Tour Dates & Free Ticket Reservation Available Now!
Techno Hoyo is a fusion of Buddhist teachings and electronic beats. Rev. Gyosen Asakura and Madoka Kohno from cyberNamunamu transform age-old Buddhist teachings into an immersive and inspirational experience.
Crafted to be dynamic and captivating, this event transcends cultural and generational boundaries, breathing new life into these traditional teachings.
American Bon Odori:
Dancing in Joy and Remembrance
All Events Free & Open to the Public
Special Workshop with Nobuko Miyamoto: "Music, Body, Memory: The Magic of Dancing Obon"
Saturday, September 7, 1-2 PM @ NJAHS Peace Gallery
American Bon Dancing
Sunday, September 8, 1- 3PM @ Yerba Buena Gardens, Great Lawn
Mission Street between 3rd & 4th Streets, San Francisco
Multimedia Exhibit on the History of Bon Dancing
July 1 - September 30 @ NJAHS Japantown Peace Gallery
1684 Post St., San Francisco
Open Noon to 5PM (Mon-Fri), Sunday 9/1 and Monday 9/2
Contact Us
Need more information on an event or looking to add your own to the 125th community event lineup? Send us an email at bcaconnect@bcahq.org